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Financial Markets and Your Retirement Account

Regardless of what’s happening in the markets, periodically reviewing your retirement savings is key.

Whatever the state of the economy and stock market, it’s important to continue to contribute to your retirement plan and keep track of your long-term goals. While financial markets have been unpredictable, there are things you can do within the My Account section of mutualofamerica.com to help check on and make informed choices about your retirement savings plan account.

Financial Markets and Your Retirement Account

The My Account section of our website provides you with convenient, secure access to your account, where you can do the following and much more:

  • Review your current account balance and corresponding investment charts.
  • See the amount and date of the last contribution made to your retirement plan.
  • Find out your personal rate of return for the year-to-date, as well as over 3-month, 1-year, 3-year, 5-year and 10-year periods.
  • Change your asset allocation for future contributions.

“When you’re reviewing your account, check to see if you have an asset allocation that’s appropriate based on your age, risk tolerance and expected retirement date. If it is, then it’s generally best to stay on course rather than make any knee-jerk decisions based on the short-term ups and downs of the markets,” says Mutual of America Regional Participant Account Executive Natasha Karbasi.

If you do decide you need to adjust your asset allocation, tools like Mutual of America’s Investment Questionnaire* can help you identify a mix of asset classes potentially suited to your long-term investment success. But, no matter your individual situation, always focus on the endgame: building financial security for your retirement.


*Information and interactive calculators are made available as self-help tools for independent use and are not intended to provide investment advice. We cannot and do not guarantee their applicability or accuracy in regard to individual circumstances. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes only. We encourage individuals to seek personalized advice from qualified professionals regarding all personal finance issues.

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You should consider the investment objectives, risks, and charges and expenses of the investment funds and, if applicable, the variable annuity contract, carefully before investing. This and other information is contained in the funds' prospectuses and summary prospectuses and the contract prospectus or brochure, if applicable, which can be obtained by calling 800.468.3785 or visiting mutualofamerica.com. Read them carefully before investing.


Mutual of America's group and individual retirement products that are variable annuity contracts are suitable for long-term investing, particularly for retirement savings. The value of a variable annuity contract will fluctuate depending on the performance of the Separate Account investment options you choose. Upon redemption, you could receive more or less than the principal amount invested. A variable annuity contract provides no additional tax-deferred treatment of benefits beyond the treatment provided to any qualified retirement plan or IRA by applicable tax law. You should consider a variable annuity contract's other features before making a decision.

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