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A Spring-Cleaning Checklist for Your Finances

The season of spring cleaning is in full swing: time to clear out those cobwebs, spruce up that garden and make sure you’re getting the most out of your retirement savings.

Checklist for spring cleaning your finances:

Are your investments balanced?

Review your investment choices so you can decide whether they’re still the best match for your comfort with risk, your projected retirement age and your retirement income goals. Then consider what adjustments to make, if any.

Want to declutter your finances?

If you have retirement plan balances remaining in former employer-sponsored plans and/or multiple IRA accounts, and your current employer’s plan accepts rollovers, consider consolidating those accounts into your current retirement plan. With all your assets in one place, keeping track of your investments is that much easier.*

Have any major changes happened in your life recently?

Make sure your beneficiaries on your retirement plan are up to date. If you haven’t assigned any beneficiaries, now’s a good time to do so.

Are you saving the maximum to your retirement plan?

If you’re not saving the maximum amount allowed, are you able to increase your contribution to get closer to that maximum? The more you can put away now, the more savings you’ll potentially be able to have in your retirement.

Even if you’ve followed a “set it and forget it” approach to your retirement savings, it’s useful to periodically review your asset allocations to make sure they continue to align with your savings needs and retirement time horizon.

*Before making a transfer, you should review the accounts you have with other providers to determine the fees and expenses you currently pay and whether there are any surrender charges that may result and to ensure that it is in your best interest to transfer your other accounts to your current plan.

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You should consider the investment objectives, risks, and charges and expenses of the investment funds and, if applicable, the variable annuity contract, carefully before investing. This and other information is contained in the funds' prospectuses and summary prospectuses and the contract prospectus or brochure, if applicable, which can be obtained by calling 800.468.3785 or visiting mutualofamerica.com. Read them carefully before investing.


Mutual of America's group and individual retirement products that are variable annuity contracts are suitable for long-term investing, particularly for retirement savings. The value of a variable annuity contract will fluctuate depending on the performance of the Separate Account investment options you choose. Upon redemption, you could receive more or less than the principal amount invested. A variable annuity contract provides no additional tax-deferred treatment of benefits beyond the treatment provided to any qualified retirement plan or IRA by applicable tax law. You should consider a variable annuity contract's other features before making a decision.


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